Unit 12 Terms of Pay ment 支付条款 - C-2
对话 - 3

B: That ' ll be fine. I appreciate your cooperation. 好,谢谢你们的合作。

W: Very good. Well, thanks to your cooperation, our discussion has been very pleasant and fruitful. I sincerely hope that the volume of trade between us will be even greater in the future. 太好了。由于你们的合作,我们之间的谈判很愉快而且富有成果。 我真诚地希望今后我们之间的贸易额会进一步扩大。

B: By the way, Mrs. Wang, we have a mind to do joint participa- tion with you on Japanese arts and crafts in our market. Would you entertain this proposal? 王小姐,顺便提一句,我们有意与你方合作,在我国市场上合资经营日本工艺品。你们愿意接受这个提议吗?

W: Well, this is something new. A few of our friends from Europe have also suggested that we participate in joint enterprise with them dealing in some of our goods. We think there are a lot of details to go into. 这是一个新做法。有些欧洲朋友也建议我们与他们一起合资经营我们的一些产品。不过,这个需要进行详细地讨论。

B: If you feel our proposal is attractive, it is estimated that business to the extent of over twenty million marks can be done in this manner. 如果你们觉得我方提议值得考虑采纳,估计以这种方式,贸易额可以达到二千万马克以上。

W: Naturally, I appreciate your efforts in pushing the sale of Japanese arts and crafts. But I ' m not in a position to discuss your proposal today. I must first talk to our director, and discuss it with you some other time. 当然,我们很感激贵方为推销日本工艺品所作的努力,但是我今天无法与你方讨论这一问题。我得先和我们主管商量一下,然后和您找个时间再谈。

B: All right. Anyway, I ' ll be staying here for another two weeks. But I ' m looking forward to having something done in this respect. 好吧,反正我还会再呆两个星期。不过我期望在这方面能够取得进展。

W: We ' ll talk about it next time. Now that everything is settled, let ' s have a cup of tea, and take our minds off business for a change. 我们下次再谈吧。既然所有的问题都解决了,我们喝杯茶,抛开业务问题休息一下吧。