Unit 14 Shipment 装 运 - C-2
对话 - 3

A: That ' s very considerate of you. And now, shall we discuss the insurance terms?你想得真周到。现在我们谈谈保险条款好吗?

B: We generally insure W.P. (W.P.A) on a C.I.F. offer. Special risks, such as TPND (Theft, Pilferage and Non-delivery), leakage, breakage, oil, freshwater, etc. can also be covered upon request. 一般来讲,我们在到岸价里投保了水渍险。特殊险如偷窃险、提货 不着险、漏损险、破损险、油污险、淡水险等等也可以根据客户要求投保。

A: I suppose the additional premium for the special coverage is for the buyer ' s account. 我想投保特殊险别所需附加的保险费由买方负担吧。

B: Quite right. According to the usual practice in international trade, special risks are not covered unless the buyer asks for them. 正是,根据国际贸易中的惯例,只有买方要求时才保特殊险。

A: Then what about SRCC (Strikes, Riots and Civil Commotions)? Can we request you to cover this for our imports? 那么关于罢工、暴动、平民动乱险呢?能不能请你方为我们的进口货保这种险呢?

B: Yes, we accept it now, after it has been suspended for many years. However, if you want to have it covered for your imports at your end, you may arrange the insurance as you like. 我们现在可以受理了,很多年来我们停办了这项业务。但是如果你方想要为你们的进口货物投保这种险的话,你们可以自行安排。

A: Then please cover W.P.A. and TPND for this transaction. 那么,请为这批货物保水渍险和偷窃、提货不着险。

B: All right, I ' ll adjust the price accordingly. 好,我会相应地把价格调整一下。