Unit 9 Business Representation 代理 - A-4
对话 - 1

B: As far as I remember, we sold about 40,000 pairs last year to you alone. Don't you think this annual turnover is rather conserva- tive for a sole agent? 我记得,光去年我们就向你们出售了大约四万双拖鞋。对独家代理 来讲,你不认为这个年销售量数字太过保守了吗?

A: Well, I admit I always do business on the safe side. Could you let me have your proposal then? 是,我承认我做生意从来谨慎从事,那么我听听你的建议,好吗?

B: Let's put it this way. I propose a sole agency agreement for Ladies and gents plastic slippers (excluding children's) for a duration of 3 years; 60,000 pairs to be sold in the first year, 70,000 pairs in the second year, and 80,000 pairs in the third year, the area is to be within the continent of Australia (excluding any neighboring island), commission 5%. 这样说吧,我建议订一个专销男、女塑料拖鞋(不包括童鞋)为期 三年的独家代理协议,第一年销六万双,第二年销七万双,第三年 销八万双,地区是整个澳大利亚(不包括任何邻近岛屿),佣金是 百分之五。

A: You certainly drive a hard bargain, Mrs. Brown. 你真会还价,布朗夫人。

B: On the contrary, Mr. London, we value your friendship more than anything else. We both understand our slippers are very popular in your market on account of their superior quality and competi- tive price. And with the sole agency in your hand, there will be no competition and you can easily control the market, which would naturally result in bigger sales. I'm sure you can fulfill the agreement without much difficulty. 恰恰相反,伦敦先生,我们很珍惜你方友谊。我们双方都知道我们 的拖鞋价廉物美而畅销于你方市场。你取得了独家代理权之后,你 就可以轻而易举地控制市场,没有其他竞争,其结果自然是销售量 增大。我确信你完成这一协议不会有任何困难。

A: Well, if you put it this way, I'll have to comply. When shall we sign the contract, Mrs. Brown? 好吧,如果你这么说,我只好同意了。布朗夫人,我们什么时候签 协议?

B: Tomorrow afternoon. 明天下午。

A: Tomorrow afternoon will be fine. 行,明天下午。