Unit 9 Business Representation 代理 - B-2
对话 - 2

A: Yes, our commission is very reasonable. We usually get a 10% commission of the amount on every deal. 对,我们的佣金很合理。通常我们取得的佣金是每笔成交额的 10% 。

B: Our agents in other areas usually get a 3-5% commission. 我们其他地区的代理商通常拿到百分之三到五的佣金。

A: The European market is not familiar with your products. You have competitors from Japan and other continental countries. At the beginning of our campaign, there is sales resistance to overcome, we must send out salesmen to do a lot of traveling and spend a considerable amount of money on advertising in news- papers and TV programs. A 10% commission will not leave us much. 欧洲市场对你方产品不熟悉。你们要对付日本和其他大陆国家的竞 争对手。在推销活动的开始阶段,需要克服销售方面的阻力,我们 得派出推销员到处出差,并且耗费大量资金在报纸上和电视节目里 登广告。百分之十的佣金对我们来说不算宽裕。

B: According to your estimate, what is the maximum annual turn- over you can fulfill, in round figures, of course? 据你估计,你能完成总的年销售量是多少?当然讲个整数就行了。

A: We will always do our utmost to enlarge the business, as our remuneration increases with the turnover, but we will not guar- antee anything, at least not to begin with. 我们当然将竭力扩大业务,因为随着销售量的增加,我们的利润也 会上升。不过我们不想作出保证,至少在开始阶段不行。

B: We appreciate very much your intention to push the sale of our products. But our suggestion to you, Mr. Bergerson, as a preliminary step, is to do a little research into the market …… 谢谢你们有意推销我们的产品,但是博格森先生,作为第一步,我 们建议你们在市场上做一些调查研究工作……

A: Do you mean to say you refuse us the agency? 你的意思是说,你拒绝我们做代理?