第 22 课:This is very good. 这里还真不错呢!

Jeff: This is very good. 这里还真不错呢!

Elizabeth: Yes. It's a nice restaurant. 是呀,这是一家蛮雅致的餐馆

Jeff: I like the restaurant, but I don't like the music. 我喜欢这家餐馆,但是这音乐我不喜欢。

Elizabeth: Pardon? 对不起,你说什么?

Jeff: I like the restaurant, but I don't like the music. 我喜欢这家餐馆,但是音乐我不喜欢。

Elizabeth: Why not? 为什么?

Jeff: It's country music, and I don't like country music. 都是些乡村音乐,而我并不喜欢乡村音乐。

Elizabeth: Perhaps they've got some rock music. 也许他们有摇滚乐呢。

Jeff: Yes. ... Excuse me. 对啊……抱歉,打扰一下。

Waiter: Yes, sir? 先生,有何指教?

Jeff: Do you have any rock music? 你们有没有摇滚乐?

Waiter: No, sir. I'm sorry. 没有,先生。真是很抱歉。

Jeff: OK. Thanks. 没关系。谢谢你。