波士顿英语口语 - 2
第 5 课 - 5 动词词语 beat(beat)

Everyday Expressions

Boys beat drums.

We beat them by a score of 5 to 3.

The rain beat against the window.

Her heart was beating furiously.

生活用语 Street Talks

The rain beat against the windows.

Let's go to have a beating. (massage or facial)

My heart beat high. (心跳得急)

He was arrested for beating his wife.

South Korea beat Spain in the quarterfinals. (半决赛)

Bet I can beat you to the end of the street! (in a race)

Running there beats walking there. (running is better than walking)

A: Hey Sam what's going on?

B: I'm think about Victoria.

A: About what?

B: She beats me. Some days she's very nice to me and other days she won't even give me the time of the day.

A: Hey VV I called you several times last night. Where were you? Hey, wait wait.

B: Beat it! I've had it with you. (我受够你了。)

A: He insulted me!

B: Do you want me to beat him up?

A: Why not? I want you to beat the shit out of him. (为什么不呢?)

A: I'm beat! Let's go home. (I'm tired.)

B: Yeah! Let's cruise. (Let's go.)

谚语 Proverbs

A stick is soon found to beat a dog. 欲加之罪,何患无辞?

If you beat spice, it will smell the sweeter. 香料越打越香。

If you can't beat them, join them. 打不过他们,就加入到他们中去。