波士顿英语口语 - 2
第 5 课 - 6 动词词语 break(broke)

Everyday Expressions

She fell off a ladder and broke her arm.

Who broke his record?

I've never broken my word.

Doctors keep trying to break David of smoking.

The glass broke into pieces.

Day was breaking.

Let's have 10 minutes' break.

生活用语 Street Talks

A: You know David broke the news of his girlfriend's death to Robert.

B: It'll be hard on Robert.

A: Mike has promised to go to the theater with me tonight.

B: He always breaks his promise. (违背,食言)

A: Jerry can really break his students up sometimes. I don't know how come he has so many funny things to tell them. (逗人,笑死人)

B: Look at his eyes, nose and face. He is a born comedian.

Let's have a break! (休息)

Alice broke away from home! (离家出走)

My car broke down on the way back home.

Two burglurs broke into grandpa's house.

They broke off talking when Ann came in.

A fire broke out last night.

The morning briefing broke up at nine thirty.

I broke with all of my old friends.

Give me a break! (Don't be so tough on me)

I have to break these shoes in.

Could you break it down over there?! (调低音量: turn down the music)

Can we break down the driving? (我们可以轮流开车吗?)

A: Could you lend me 100 bucks?

B: Sorry, I'm broke.

You look terrible. Did you have a nervous breakdown?

A: say ‘hi' to your boyfriend for me.

B: We broke up last week.

A: Oh, I'm sorry.

谚语 Proverbs

Never give a sucker an ever break. 不要给傻瓜自新的机会。

Want and necessity break faiths and oaths. 匮乏和需要可以打破信仰和誓言。