波士顿英语口语 - 2
第 7 课 - 1 动词词语 make(made)

Everyday Expressions

Grandma always made cakes for me.

Professor Lee's lecture makes us sleepy.

The teacher made me repeat it. (I was made to repeat it.)

Please don't make a noise.

I make my bed every morning.

The kids are making progress in English.

Two and three make five.

She can make an excellent teacher.

He made a forture on the stock market

We have made 80 miles today.

生活用语 Street Talks

Sometimes I make mistakes when I speak English.

The judges are making up their minds.

The conference made for better understanding between the two countries.

Wine is made from grapes.

The table is made of wood.

I want to make a teacher of myself.

Miao made up her face and went to a party.

We shook hands and made up. (握手言和)

I'm afraid this guy can't make it. (医生说:“没救了”)

A: Honey, can you come back home before 9 o'clock?

B: I'm afraid I can't make it. But I'll try.

谚语 Proverbs

What man has made man can destroy. 人能制造的,人也能毁掉。

You can't make a sieve from an ass's tail. 你不能用驴尾巴做筛子。