波士顿英语口语 - 2
第 7 课 - 11 动词词语 stay

Everyday Expressions

Father left for business, but mother stayed.

I stayed with my brother for a few days.

William is staying in Paris now.

The door stayed open all night.

I visited lots of friends during my stay in Guangzhou.

生活用语 Street Talks

Don't stay up so late! (不要熬夜!)

Stay put till I get back!

I'll probably stay home and watch television.

John and Jerry stayed away from school yesterday.

Would Michael and Joana have found a way to stay together if his painting hadn't been chosen?

A: How long was your stay in England?

B: Only two weeks.

谚语 Proverbs

The globe-trotting dunce is more stupid than the dunce who stays at home. 环球旅行的笨人比呆在家里的笨人还要愚蠢。