波士顿英语口语 - 3
第 4 课 - 1

Dialogue 1 A和B去上健身课,A对健身教练特别欣赏,而B却十分讨厌这种流汗的气氛。

A: Isn't he the best instructor? I think he's so hot. Wow! I really feel energized, don't you?

B: I swear, I'm going to kill you for this.

A: What's wrong? Didn't you think it was fun?!

B: Oh, yeah! I had a blast! I love sweating like a pig with a bunch of pot bellies who all smell bad. Sorry, I'm just not into this health kick.

A: Oh, no, get off it. It wasn't such a killer class. You just have to get into it. Like they say, no pain, no gain.

B: I am wiped out. Thank you.

A: Look, next time get yourself some comfy shoes. You're gonna come back again with me, aren't you?

B: Never! But thank you for inviting me.

A: Come on. You'll feel better after we hit the showers.  

Dialogue 2 Frank对Kathleen倾慕以久,他很委婉地表达了自己对她的欣赏,而Kathleen的回应令他失望。

Frank: You're a wonderful person, Kathleen.

Kathleen: So you are.

Frank: And I'm so honored that you would want to be with me because you would never be with anyone who wasn't truly worthy.

Kathleen: I feel exactly the same way with you.

Frank: Don't, don't, don't, don't say that. That, that makes it worse.

Kathleen: What? You don't love me? Me, either.

Frank: You don't love me?

Kathleen: No.

Frank: But we're so right for each other.

Kathleen: I know, I know. Well, is there some, is there someone else? Oh, that woman on television, Sydney Ann.