第 14 课: Talking About What People Do for Work 谈论人们从事的工作 - 4

Conversation : At a New Shopping Mall在一个新的购物中心

JEFF: Here is the new building.这是新楼。

MARTIN: What's that?那是什么?

JEFF: It's the sports club.那是运动俱乐部。

MARTIN: Who are they?那些人是谁?

JEFF: They're painters. They're painting the sports club.他们是油漆工,在给俱乐部刷油漆。

MARTIN: What's that?那是什么?

JEFF: It's the cinema. Here is the shoe store.那是电影院,这儿是鞋店。

MARTIN: Who are they?那些人是谁?

JEFF: They're the carpenters. They're making shelves. They're workers. They're making a road.他们是木匠,在做架子。他们是工人,在铺路。

MARTIN: What's that?那是什么?

JEFF: It's a garage. Here is the entrance.是车库,这儿是入口。

MARTIN: Who are they?他们是谁?

JEFF: They're the gardeners. They're making the gardens.他们是园丁,在修花园。

MARTIN: What's that?那是什么?

JEFF: It's the garage. It's the exit.是车库,那是出口。