第 6 课:Asking for Directions 问路 - 4

Conversation :In Art Museum在艺术博物馆

DIRECTOR: I direct all of the work in the museum. What do you want to see
first? 我主管博物馆的各项工作。你想先看什么?

MARTIN: I like to write about people.我想写人。

DIRECTOR: Then you must see the American rooms. Come. I'll show you the

MARTIN: Thank you. Where are the American rooms?谢谢,美国人展室在哪儿?

DIRECTOR: First, go upstairs. Go straight ahead. Turn left in the second room. 首先上楼,向前走到第二个房间向左转。

MARTIN: Upstairs, straight ahead, turn left.上楼,向前,向左拐。

DIRECTOR: Yes. The American rooms are upstairs.是的,美国人展室在楼上。

MARTIN: Excuse me. Are these the American rooms?对不起,这些是美国人展室吗?

MALE 1: No. They are on the left. Look there. Do you see that door?不,在左边。看那儿,看见那个门了吗?

MARTIN: Yes.是的。

MALE 1: Go there. Turn left. Then go straight ahead.往那边走,向左转,然后向前走。

FEMALE 1: Excuse me, please. Where are the Native American rooms?对不起,请问美国土著人展室在哪?

MARTIN: I'm sorry. I don't know. Ask that man over there.对不起,我不知道。问问那边那个男人。

MALE 2: Hello. Where is the office?你好,办公室在哪儿?

MARTIN: Go downstairs. Then turn right.到楼下,然后向右拐。

MALE 2: Thanks. 谢谢。