第 22 课:I have to commend him for that. 我必须称赞他这一点。

Sue: Oh, my god! And he calls that music? It sounds like a scary video game! 喔,我的天!这也叫音乐吗?听起来像恐怖的电子游戏!

Rose: Maybe we can blame his computer... 或许我们该怪的是他的电脑……

Sue: Whatever he was trying to do, I can't believe he was brave enough to send it to you. 不管他是想要干嘛,我不敢相信他有这种胆量把它寄来给你。

Rose: I have to commend him for that. 我必须称赞他这一点。

Sue: Maybe you should help him rewrite this song during class... 或许你应该在上课时帮他重新写这首歌……

Rose: Teachers don't change students tastes in music. 老师不会去改变学生的音乐品味……

Sue: If he's as sweet as you say, he'll be open to new things. 假如他跟你说得一样好,他会打开心胸接受新事物的。

Rose: Yes, he acts like he's that kind of person. 对啊,他表现得就像那种人。
Sue: So? That's what's important, not the music he composes. 所以呢?那才是重点,而不是他作出来的曲子。

Rose: But a person's most inner self will show through his music. 但一个人最深刻的自我,会由他的音乐表现出来。

Sue: In that case, he must be a wannabe criminal! 如此看来,他一定是一个潜在的罪犯!

Rose: Whatever he is, he's probably not my type. 管他是什么,他可能不是我喜欢的那一型。