第 9 课:You'd be nervous, too. 换做是你也会紧张?

Don: Herb, why are you still sitting here? 赫伯特,你怎么还坐在这边?

Herbert: I'm too nervous. Look! I'm in a cold sweat! 我太紧张了。你看!我在冒冷汗。

Don: It's OK to be nervous. It's only natural! 紧张没有关系。这是正常的。

Herbert: You'd be nervous, too. 换做是你也会紧张?

Don: Me, nervous? Never. But most people would be. 我,紧张?从来不会。但大多数人都会。

Herbert: I just don't want to make a fool of myself. 我不想让自己看起来像个傻子。

Don: Think of something fast, Herb. She might leave soon. 快想办法啊,赫伯特。她可能快走了。

Don: Herb? 赫伯特?

Herbert: Oh, forget it. I can't do it. 噢,别提了。我做不来的。

Don: Sure you can. You'll do fine. Come on, practice on me. 你当然可以。你会没事的。来,利用我练习一下。

Herbert: If you say so. Excuse me, uh, lady. Want me to sit with you? Want another drink? 好吧,听你的。对不起,嗯,小姐。希望我坐你旁边吗?想不想再来一杯?

Don: No, Herb, no. Say it with more style. 不行,赫伯特,不行。你要说得更有个性一点。

Herbert: OK. Excuse me, uh, lady. Are you waiting for someone? 好吧。对不起,嗯,小姐。你在等人吗?

Don: Not too bad. Now, Herb, go say the exact same thing to her. Now. 不算太差。现在,赫伯特过去照你刚刚讲的跟她说一遍。现在就去。