第 37 课:I'd appreciate it if ... 感谢您......


1. I'd appreciate it if you turned down the radio. 请把收音机声音关小一点,谢谢。

2. I'd appreciate it if you could speak to the boss for me. 如果你能帮我去跟老板说的话,我会很感激。

3. I'd appreciate it if we didn't stay too long. 如果不呆太久的话,我会感激你的。

A: Oh, no! Now I'll be late. 糟了!快迟到了。

B: Can I give you a hand? 要我帮忙吗?

A: Yes, I'd appreciate it if you could drive me downtown. 要,如果你能开车送我进城,我会感激不尽。

B: Sure thing. I've got time. 没问题!反正我有时间。