第 50 课:I'm in the middle of... 我正忙着......

这里的"in the middle of..."表示正在做某事的过程中。

1. I'm just in the middle of coordinating the press conference. 我正忙着协调安排记者招待会。

2. I was in the middle of making a pie for dinner when the telephone rang. 我正忙着做正餐吃的馅饼,这时电话响了。

3. They were in the middle of a party when the parents came back suddenly. 父母突然返回时,他们正在开晚会。

A: Marry; Mr. Johnson wants these documents to be copied. 玛丽,约翰逊先生需要这些文件的复印件。

B: Oh, no. You see I'm in the middle of something. Could he wait? 噢,不。你看我正忙着呢。他能不能等会儿?

A: I'm afraid... 恐怕......

B: All right, all right. He'll get them as soon as possible. 好吧,好吧。我会尽快让他拿到复印件。