第 69 课:It's about time... 该是......的时候了

也可以说 "it is high time",后面的句子中的动词要用虚拟语气。

1. It's about time that he learned to look after himself. 现在该是他学会照顾自己的时候了。

2. It's high time that he was taught a lesson. 现在该是教训他的时候了。

3. Now you are talking, and about time too. 你这话说对了,早就该这么说嘛。

A: I have a complaint to make. The bill you sent me was incorrect. What's more, it isn't the first time 我要投诉。你们寄给我的帐单错了。况且,这也不是第一次了。

B: Well, I must apologize, madam. We have new computers here, you know. 啊,我向您道歉,夫人。我们这里刚用了新电脑。

A: Don't you think it's about time you got them working properly? 难道你们不认为是时候让它们正常工作了吗?

B: I agree entirely. I assure you it won't happen again. 我完全同意。保证不会再发生这种事了。