
第 10 课: 疑问代词的使用:谁,什么,在哪儿,哪个(些)-4

Where are the bananas? 那些香蕉在哪儿?

Where is the cheese? 奶酪在哪?

Which horse is running? This horse is running. 哪匹马在跑?这匹马在跑。

Which horse is jumping? This horse is jumping. 哪匹马在跳?这匹马在跳。

Which car is blue? 哪辆汽车是蓝色的?

Which car is red? 哪辆汽车是红色的?

Which woman is wearing a blue shirt? Both women are wearing blue shirts. 哪两个女人穿着蓝衬衫?这两个女人都穿着蓝衬衫。

Which child is drinking milk? The girl is drinking milk. 哪个孩子在喝牛奶?那个女孩在喝牛奶。