
第11 课: 复习第一部分-5

The girls are wearing white shirts and black skirts. 那些女孩儿穿着白衬衫,黑裙子。

One girl is wearing a white dress and one is wearing a red and white dress. 一个女孩穿着白连衣裙, 一个女孩穿着红白相间的连衣裙。

The girls are wearing dresses and hats. 那两个女孩儿穿着连衣裙,戴着帽子。

The girls are wearing black pants. 那两个女孩儿穿着黑裤子。

What are the women wearing? They are wearing blue shirts. 那两个女人穿着什么? 她们穿着蓝衬衫。

What are the women wearing? They are wearing white shirts. 那些女人穿着什么?她们穿着白衬衫。

What food is this? These are strawberries. 这是什么食物? 这是草莓。

What food is this? This is bread. 这是什么食物? 这是面包。