
第 22 课: 复习第二部分-5

He is touching his nose. 他在摸自己的鼻子

He is touching his mouth. 他在摸自己的嘴

She is touching her eye. 她在摸自己的眼睛

She is touching her chin. 她在摸自己的下巴

The girls are not going to jump. The boy is going to jump. 那两个女孩儿不想跳。那个男孩儿想跳

The girls are not jumping. The boy is jumping. 那两个女孩儿不在跳。那个男孩儿在跳

The girls have not jumped. The boy has jumped. 那两个女孩儿没有跳。那个男孩儿已经跳下去了

The boy and the girls are jumping. 那个男孩儿和那两个女孩儿都在跳