
第 42 课: 描述交通工具的动词和介词-5

The red and gray cars were in an accident. 那辆红色轿车和那辆灰色的轿车肇事了

The submarine is in the water. 那艘潜水艇正在水下

The ship has sails. 那艘船有帆

The red and white cars are parked. 那辆红色轿车和那辆白色轿车停着

The red car is wrecked. 那辆红色的轿车撞坏了

The red car is not wrecked. 那辆红色的轿车没有撞坏

The big ship is moving through the water. 那艘大船在航行

The tow truck is pulling the car. 那辆牵引车在拖那辆轿车