
第 54 课: 人的动作和手势-2

The woman is coughing. 那个女人在咳嗽

The man is sneezing. 那个男人在打喷嚏

This boy is holding the kite string in his mouth. 那个男孩儿正把风筝线叼在嘴里

This boy is sticking out his tongue. 那个男孩儿在伸舌头

The boy's arms are folded. 那个小伙子两臂抱在一起

The boy is yawning. 那个小伙子在打哈欠

The man is sneezing. 那个男人在打喷嚏

The man is blowing his nose. 那个男人在擤鼻子