
第 58 课: 现在进行时,现在完成时及用 “要”,“正要”,“快要” 表示的一般将来时-1

The man is going to get into the car. 那个男人正要上轿车

The man is getting into the car. 那个男人在上轿车

The man is going to get into the carriage. 那个男人正要上马车

The man is getting into the carriage. 那个男人在上马车

The boy is going to jump. 那个男孩儿正要跳

The boy is jumping. 那个男孩儿在跳

The boy has jumped. 那个男孩儿已经跳了

The boy is going to throw the ball. 那个男孩儿要扔球