
第 66 课: 单独的(地),人群和朋友-1

The girl is alone. 那个小姑娘没有和其他人在一起

The girl is with her friends. 那个小姑娘和朋友们在一起

The girl is with her mother and father. 那个小姑娘和父母在一起

The girl is with her puppy. 那个小姑娘和小狗在一起

The singer with the red microphone is singing alone. 那个拿红色麦克风的歌手在独唱

The singer is singing with a friend. 那个歌手在和一个朋友唱歌

The woman is singing with the choir. 那个女人在同合唱团一起唱歌

The woman is singing alone while playing the piano. 那个女人一边弹钢琴,一边独唱