
第 69 课:使用更多的动词:指点,拉,挖,接等-4

The father is reading to his sons. 爸爸在给两个儿子念书

The father is working with his sons. 爸爸在和两个儿子干活儿

The father has a shovel in one hand and a book in the other. 爸爸一手拿着铁锹, 一手拿着书

The father is reading to the dog. 爸爸在给狗念书

The horses are working. 那些马在干活儿

The horses are not working. 那些马不在干活儿

The father is pointing. 爸爸在指着什么东西

The father and the boys are working. 爸爸在和两个男孩儿干活儿