
第 73 课: 全都,全都不,一些,大多数,两个,另外等-5

Some of these flowers are yellow and the others are blue. 这些花儿中有些是黄色的,另外一些是蓝色的

All of these flowers are yellow. 这些花儿全都是黄色的

One of these ducks has a white head and the other has a green head. 这两只鸭子中有一只的头是白色的,另一只的头是绿色的

All of these ducks have black heads. 这些鸭子的头全都是黑色的

Both people are pointing. 两个人都在指着什么东西

Neither person is pointing. 两个人什么东西也没指

One person is pointing, but the other is not. 一个人在指着什么东西,另一个人什么东西也没指

One of these animals is a bird, but the other is not. 这两只动物中有一只是鸟,另一只不是