
第 75 课: 形状,位置;介词;所有,大多数-5

All of the people are wearing yellow hats. 那些人全都戴着黄帽子

Most of the people are wearing yellow hats. 那些人大多数都戴着黄帽子

All of the people are wearing white. 那些人全都穿着白衣服

Most of the people are wearing white. 那些人大多数都穿着白衣服

The circle is in front of the square. 这个圆在那个正方形的前面

The circle is behind the square. 这个圆在那个正方形的后面

The circle is above the square. 这个圆在那个正方形之上

The circle is below the square. 这个圆在那个正方形之下