
第 83 课: 看起来象,几乎所有的,一个,其它,大多数,全都;指示代词-5

The blue circles are big and the red ones are small. 那些蓝色的圆大,红色的圆小

The red circles are big and the blue ones are small. 那些红色的圆大,蓝色的圆小

The triangles are on top of the circles. 那些三角形在那些圆的上面

The circles are in front of the triangles. 那些圆在那些三角形的前面

Most of the black squares are big, and all the white ones are small. 那些黑色的正方形大多数都大,而那些白色的正方形全都小

All of the black squares are big, and most of the white ones are small. 那些黑色的正方形全都大,而那些白色的正方形大多数都小

Some of the big triangles are green, and all the small triangles are gray. 那些大三角形中有几个是绿色的,而那些小三角形全都是灰色的

All of the big triangles are green, and some of the small triangles are gray. 那些大三角形全都是绿色的,而那些小三角形中有几个是灰色的