
第 85 课: 街道,人行道-3

Which people are riding on the sidewalk? 哪几个人正在人行道上骑车

Which people are riding on the road? 哪些人正在路上骑车

Some people are riding. They are not riding on the sidewalk and they are not riding on the road. 有两个人在骑马,他们没在人行道上骑马,也没在路上骑马

Which people are on the sidewalk and not riding at all? 哪些人正在人行道上,但是什么都没有骑

The birds are crossing the sidewalk. 那些鸟在过人行道

The sidewalk is empty. 那条人行道上没有人

The man is crossing the street on a bicycle. 那个男人在骑车过街

The man is crossing the street in a wheelchair. 那个男人在坐着轮椅过街