
第 88 课: 近,远;形容词的比较级形式-3

The boy in white is close to the boy in blue. 这个穿白衣服的男孩儿离穿蓝衣服的男孩儿很近

The boy in white is not close to the boy in blue. 这个穿白衣服的男孩儿离穿蓝衣服的男孩儿不近

The kite is close to the man. 那只风筝离这个男人很近

The kite is far away from the man. 那只风筝离这个男人很远

The fire is close. 火离得很近

The fire is far away. 火离得很远

The horse is close. 这匹马离得很近

The horse is far away. 那匹马离得很远