
第 89 课: 位置;介词-4

The church is around the corner from the playground. 从这个游戏场往前走,拐弯儿就是这座教堂

The synagogue is beside the playground. 这座犹太教堂在那个游戏场旁边

The mosque is across the street from the playground. 这座清真寺在那个游戏场对过

The Hindu temple is down the street from the playground. 这座印度寺庙和那个游戏场在同一条街上

The bakery is beside the bank. 这家面包店在那家银行旁边

The prison is beside the bank. 这座监狱在那家银行旁边

The police station is around the corner from the bank. 从这家银行往前走, 拐弯儿就是这所警察局

The police station is beside the bank. 这所警察局在那家银行旁边