
第 19 课: 重量与长度-5

Paris and London are closer together than Paris and Madrid. 巴黎离伦敦要比离马德里近。

Madrid and London are farther apart than Madrid and Paris. 马德里离伦敦要比离巴黎远。

The smaller coins are closer together than the larger coins. 小硬币比大硬币离得近。

The smaller coins are farther apart than the larger coins. 小硬币比大硬币离得远。

It is 645 miles from Paris, France to Barcelona, Spain. 法国的巴黎离西班牙的巴塞罗那一千零三十公里。

It is 340 miles from Paris, France to Bern, Switzerland. 法国的巴黎离瑞士的波恩五百四十五公里。

It is 2730 miles from Mexico City, Mexico to Lima, Peru. 墨西哥的墨西哥城离秘鲁的利马四千三百七十公里。

It is 1275 miles from Tokyo to Beijing. 东京离北京两千零四十公里。