
第 23 课: 询问-3

A woman drops her purse. 女人的手提包掉了。

Another woman picks up the purse. 另一个女人捡起手提包。

The second woman says, “Here is your purse.” 第二个女人说:“ 这是你的手提包。”

The first woman says, “Oh, thank you!” 第一个女人说: “ 噢,谢谢你!”

A man is looking at a map. 男人在看一张地图。

A woman asks, “Can I help you?” 女人问:“ 我能帮你吗? ”

The man asks, “Which way is the police station?” 男人问:“ 警察局在哪边?”

The woman says, “The police station is that way.” 女人说:“ 警察局在那边。”