
第 24 课: 现在和将来-5

She will hit him with the pillow. 女孩将要用枕头打男孩了。

She is hitting him with the pillow. 女孩正用枕头打男孩。

He was hit by a pillow. He fell down. 女孩用枕头打了男孩, 他倒下了。

She will be hit with a pillow. 男孩将要用枕头打女孩。

He is hitting her with the pillow. 男孩正用枕头打女孩。

He is being hit by her with the pillow. 男孩正被女孩用枕头打着。

She is helping him to get up. 女孩把男孩拉起来。

She is being helped by him to get up. 女孩正被男孩拉起来。