
第 36 课: 银行用语-5

Excuse me. Can you tell us where we are? 请问,我们在哪儿?

Certainly. You are here. 你们在这儿。

I think we should take this road. I disagree. I think we should take this one. 我认为我们应该走这条路。我不同意,我认为我们应该走这条路。

I think we should take this road. I agree. 我认为我们应该走这条路。 我同意。

Excuse me. Can you show me where the museum is? 请问,博物馆在哪里?

Sure. The museum is right there. 博物馆就在那儿。

Will you be paying with check, credit card, or cash? 你用支票,信用卡,还是现金付钱?

I'll pay with cash. 我付现金。