
第 42 课: 因果和假设-3

The woman is warm because she has a coat. 因为女人穿着大衣,所以她感到暖和。

The woman would be warm if she had a coat. 如果女人穿上大衣,她就会感到暖和。

The woman is drying her face with a towel. 女人正用毛巾把脸擦干。

The woman would dry her face if she had a towel. 如果女人有毛巾, 她就会把脸擦干。

She can drive the car because she is an adult. 因为她是大人,所以她能开车。

She could drive a car if she were an adult. 如果她是大人,她就能开车。

She is sitting at the table. 她坐在桌子旁边。

She could sit at the table if there were a chair to sit on. 如果有椅子坐,她就能坐在桌子旁边。