
第 45 课: 看到与看不到-2

We can't see the man's head or feet. 我们看不到男人的头或脚。

We can't see the man's feet, but we can see his head. 我们看不到男人的脚。 但能看到他的头。

We can't see the feet of the women. 我们看不到女人们的脚。

We can't see the heads of the women. 我们看不到女人们的头。

This woman's hair is blond. 这个女人的头发是金色的。

We don't know what color this woman's hair is because we can't see it. 因为看不到,所以我们不知道女人的头发是什么颜色。

This man is Mikhail Gorbachev. 这个人是戈尔巴乔夫。

We don't know who this man is because we can't see his face. 因为看不到他的脸,所以我们不知道这个人是谁。