
第 55 课: 谁会赢-2

Which item costs the most - a car, a T-shirt, or a television? 哪样东西最贵,汽车、T恤衫还是电视机?

Which item costs less than a car, but more than a T-shirt? 哪样东西比汽车便宜,但比T恤衫贵?

Which item costs the least - a T-shirt, a newspaper, or a television? 哪样东西最便宜,T恤衫、报纸还是电视机?

Which item costs more than a newspaper but less than a television? 哪样东西比报纸贵,但比电视机便宜?

He is buying bread in a bakery. 他在面包店买面包。

He is trying on shoes in a shoe store. 他在鞋店试鞋。

He is trying on clothes in a clothing store. 他在服装店试衣服。

He is getting his hair cut at a barber shop. 他在理发店理发。