
第 60 课: 意愿和现实-4

She is doing what she should. 女人在做她应该做的事。

She is not doing what she should. 她不在做她应该做的事。

He is doing what he should. 男孩在做他应该做的事。

He should not do what he is doing. 他不应该做他正在做的事。

She would play if she could, but she can't. She has homework to do. 如果能玩,她就会玩。但她不能,她有作业要做。

She would watch TV if she could, but she can't. She has dishes to do. 如果能看,她就会看电视。但她不能,她有盘子要洗。

She would eat the ice cream if she could, but she can't. She has to eat the salad. 如果能吃,她就会吃冰淇淋。 但她不能,她必须吃沙拉。

She would stay up if she could, but she can't. She has to go to bed. 如果能不睡觉,她就不想睡觉。但她不能,她必须上床。