
第 65 课: 完成动作-1

The girl has not jumped yet. 女孩还没有跳。

The girl has not jumped, and she will not. 女孩没有跳,她也不会跳。

The boy has not jumped, and he will not. 男孩没有跳,他也不会跳。

The boy has not jumped yet. 男孩还没有跳。

The man has not eaten the apple yet. 男人还没有吃苹果。

The man has eaten the apple. 男人已经吃了苹果。

The person has not fallen off of the horse yet. 这个人还没有从马背上摔下来。

The person has fallen off of the horse. 这个人已经从马背上摔下来了。