
第 76 课: 成功与失败-2

He is trying to open the window. 他试图打开窗户。

He is not trying to open a window. He is trying to open a jar. 他没有试图打开窗户, 他试图打开瓶子。

He tried to open the window, and he succeeded. 他试图打开窗户, 他成功了。

He tried to open the window, and he failed. 他试图打开窗户, 但他失败了。

He is doing his homework. 他在做家庭作业。

He did his homework. 他做完了家庭作业。

He is doing the laundry. 他在洗衣服。

He did the laundry. 他洗完了衣服。