
第 84 课: 历史和地理-2

The language of this country is Spanish. 这个国家的语言是西班牙语。

The language of this country is Chinese. 这个国家的语言是汉语。

The language of this country is English. 这个国家的语言是英语。

The language of this country is French. 这个国家的语言是法语。

People speak Spanish in these countries because Spain used to rule them. 因为西班牙曾经统治过这些国家, 所以那里的人们讲西班牙语。

People speak French in this province because France used to rule it. 因为法国曾经统治过这个省, 所以那里的人们讲法语。

People speak English in these countries because Great Britain used to rule them. 因为英国曾经统治过这些国家, 所以那里的人们讲英语。

People speak Portuguese in this country because Portugal used to rule it. 因为葡萄牙曾经统治过这个国家, 所以那里的人们讲葡萄牙语。