
第 84 课: 历史和地理-4

This was the British Empire. 这曾是英帝国。

This was the French Empire. 这曾是法兰西帝国。

This is Great Britain today. 这是现在的英国。

This is France today. 这是现在的法国。

These countries used to be part of the British Empire. Now they are independent. 这些国家曾经是英帝国的一部分,现在它们独立了。

These countries used to be part of the French Empire. Now they are independent. 这些国家曾经是法兰西帝国的一部分,现在它们独立了。

These countries used to be part of the Spanish Empire. Now they are independent. 这些国家曾经是西班牙帝国的一部分,现在它们独立了。

These countries used to be part of the Soviet Union. Now they are independent. 这些国家曾经是苏联的一部分,现在它们独立了。