
第 90 课: 情景会话二-5

Monday she drank four ounces of milk, compared to her usual four and one-half... 与平常的一百十克相比, 星期一她喝了一百克牛奶。

Is there someone else? 还有别人在吗?

Arf! Arf! 汪!汪!

Pretty loud for a beginner, huh? 对初学者来说,够响了吧?

You can't do your homework and watch television at the same time. 你不能一边做家庭作业, 一边看电视。

Afraid it'll escape? 怕它逃走吗?

That picture of your father is very realistic! 你爸的照片很逼真。

Can't you find anything else to read? 你不能找些别的东西读?