
第 91 课: 情景会话三-1

Just one more winter. Please! 再来一个冬天吧,求求你啦!

Feeling a little better today? 今天感觉好一点吗?

Which button do I push? 我该按哪个按钮?

After a hot day at the office, Bill just can't wait to get into a cool shower. 经过办公室闷热的一天, 阿兵急需洗个凉水澡。

How are things otherwise? 否则事情会怎么样?

Sounds to me like he's stepping on her foot. 听上去好像她的脚给他踩到啦。

Goodness gracious! Daddy stepped on Daniel's drum. 天哪!爸爸踩在丹尼的鼓上啦。

It's so peaceful and quiet without your little brother around. 没有你小弟弟在,真安静。