
第 91 课: 情景会话三-4

I tell you that thing stole my lunch. 我告诉你,那东西偷了我的午饭。

Now do you see why he gives only two concerts a year? 现在你们知道他为什么一年只演两场了吗?

Go right home to bed. What you have is very contagious. 赶紧回家上床,你的病很容易传染。

Looks like Ed caught something. 看上去阿德抓到了什么。

All cars look alike to me. 所有的车对我来说都差不多。

Drop the rock! 别抓住那块石头!

Oh, good, you're washing the dog! 噢,太好啦,你在给狗洗澡!

Oh, good, Daddy found it. 噢,太好啦, 爸爸找到它啦。