
第 92 课: 情景会话四-4

May I kiss you good night, Dorothy? Alice? Elizabeth? 我能吻你并说晚安吗,罗西?爱丽?莎莎?

I've got six so far. How many do you have? 到现在为止,我外面有六个, 你有几个?

It's a new record, Mom. There are five of us in here! 这是个新纪录,妈妈,这里面有我们五个!

Of course people can't think. They just repeat what they hear. 人类当然不会思考,他们只是重复他们所听到的。

Oh, it's you. 噢,是你啊。

This new coat is great! It holds 200 snowballs! 这件新大衣真好! 能装二百个雪球!

Mr. Geegle fell into the copier! 金先生掉进复印机里了!

Very funny! You know very well I'm only three minutes late. 真逗!你很清楚我只迟到了三分钟。