第 34 课:Buying Books on the Internet 网上购书

It's easy to order books from the Internet. 网上订书是非常方便的。

There are several companies that ship books to customers in China. 从在中国有许多公司可以把书寄到顾客的手里。

Just decide which company you would like to use and type that company's name into the search engine. 你要做的只是决定你想使用哪家公司,然后把公司名输入搜索引擎。

The company's homepage will appear within a few seconds. 几秒钟后公司的主页就出现了。

Next you can type the name of the author or the title of the book you want to buy in the space provided on the page. 接下去你可以在网页提供的地方输入你想买的书的作者名或书名。

If you decide to buy one of the books you will need to give further information such as your address and your credit card number. 如果你决定购买其中一本书,你需要进一步提供信息,例如你的住址和信用卡号码。

You will also need to decide how you want to have the book shipped. 你还需要决定书的邮寄方式。

Finally, all you have to do is wait for the book to arrive in your mailbox. 最后,你所需做的就是等待书送到你邮箱里来。