第 47 课:Little Blue Flower 小蓝花

Sky Chief was a brave Indian chief. All his people loved him. 天空酋长是一位勇敢的印第安酋长。他的族人都热爱他。

He had a little niece, Blue Flower. She looked just like her name. 他有一个小侄女,叫蓝花。她长得就像她的名字一样。

Her eyes were as blue as the sky. 她的眼睛像天空一样蓝。

Her hair was black and shiny, and it waved in the wind like the tall prairie grass. 她的头发又黑又亮,像大草原的草一样在风中飘动。

She could run like a deer, and she loved all the animals of the forest. 她能像鹿一样奔跑,她喜欢森林里所有的动物。

Blue Flower had a pet fawn. They played in the fields in the warm summer. 蓝花有只宠物小鹿。温暖的夏天,她们在旷野上玩耍。

She made wreaths of daisies for her pet. They had fun in the snow in the cold winter. 她帮她的宠物做花冠。寒冷的冬天,她们在雪地里嬉戏。

Sky Chief admired his little niece very much. 天空酋长很喜欢他的小侄女。

On cold winter evenings, he told her stories about the stars and how they got in the sky. 在冬天寒冷的夜晚,他给她讲关于星星和星星怎么上天的故事。

He told her of the Sun God and the Rain God, too. 他还给她讲太阳神和雨神的故事。

Little Blue Flower was a very happy girl and she made all the others around her happy as well. 小蓝花是个很快乐的女孩,她还给她身边的人带来了快乐。