第 50 课:At the Zoo 在动物园

David's family visited the zoo on Sunday. 大卫一家周日去了动物园。

They paid five dollars for the family ticket at the gate. 在大门口,他们一家付了五美元的门票钱。

And then they joined the crowds flocking toward the cages. 然后,他们加入了涌向笼舍的人群。

"We must watch the big animals first,?said the father. "Feeding time is three o'lock.? “我们一定要先看大的动物,”父亲说,“喂食的时间是三点。”

"Let's look at the birds first,?said Susan. "Some of the parrots can talk very

Soon they came to the birdhouse, and the first bird they saw was talking. ”很快,他们来到了鸟舍,他们看到的第一只鸟正在说话。

Then they moved through the house, and came to a lake.接着,他们穿过屋子,来到了一个湖边。

David said,"Those big white birds in the water have such long necks. Look how gracefully they swim. 大卫说:“水里那些白色的大鸟有那么长的脖子。看,他们游泳游得多么优雅啊。”

In the next house, a great roar told them that they had been lucky enough to
arrive at feeding time. 在第二座屋子里,巨大的吼叫声告诉他们,他们很幸运,能在喂食时间到达这里。

As they went in, they saw tigers and lions were howling because they were hungry. 他们进去时,看到老虎和狮子因为饿了正在吼叫。

"We'll see how they eat,?said father. “我们来看看他们是怎么吃东西的。”父亲说。